A very Good Girl,
who stopped being nice
and turned into a REBEL...
Growing up, I was conditioned to be a Good Girl... quiet, not asking for much, and always put others first. I abandoned myself in order to feel loved and accepted as a Good Girl.
As The Good Girl, I abused my body with neglect and denial, ignoring my own need for nurturing.
I lived anxious and hyper-vigilant, burying my emotions, hiding how I felt. I said yes to everyone but myself, chronically over gave, and absorbed problems that weren't mine to fix. I sought acceptance at any cost, silenced my voice, ignored my misery and smiled through all of it, as a Good Girl should.
I never felt "Good", worthy or enough. I saw myself as a broken, a victim soul, whose only lot in life was to suffer and serve in silence.
Until I woke the fuck up.
To un-become the Good Girl I made myself into, I needed to become what I was not. I was angry, I was brave, and I dismantled everything I was taught. I became The Rebel, and learned to love myself exactly as I was.
I stepped into my season of selfishness by focusing on my own needs first, and cherishing all of myself as worthy, lovable and enough, exactly as I am without exception or condition.
I am a wife, mother, bird and dog mom. I love adventures, exploration, ruckus and laughter. Flowers, tattoos, Harry Potter and being barefoot bring me joy. I believe that love conquers all and has the power to heal the world. I already love you already, just as you are.
Expertise includes
Certified Holistic Health Coach
Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach
Sacred Depths Coaching Practitioner
10+ in the Holistic Wellness Field
Trauma Informed
what is
The Love
TLC is a path to JOY and Self-Fulfillment, through Authenticity, Self Relationship and Radical Self Love.
high touch coaching that helps you detach from your Good Girl and guides you back to your authentic wild soul.
Potent experiences
co-created within powerful and intimate communities, exploring the journey from disempowerment to transformative self love.
Rebuilding a joyous, fulfilling life on the strong platform of a loving self relationship begins with just one small step forward.
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